Signals (3)
Close - Valve spot mics summed together for a direct and upfront image of the string ensemble.
Tree - A decca tree microphone array, giving a spacious and enveloping sound.
Ethereal - A treated signal (saturation, reverb, EQ) which adds texture, brightness and width to the vocals, while retaining an organic feel
Presets (12)
Sopranos & Altos: Long Ahh — A long sustained note, sung on the vowel sound “ahh”
Sopranos & Altos: Long Mmm — A long sustained note, hummed on the consonant “mmm”
Sopranos & Altos: Episodic Combo 1 — A long episodically changing sustained note, blending between a combination of different vowel sounds, for a textural and shifting sound
Sopranos & Altos: Episodic Combo 2 — A long episodically changing sustained note, blending between a combination of different vowel sounds, for a textural and shifting sound
Sopranos & Altos: Short Staccato Syllables — A short, sharp sound, sung on one of up to seven different syllabic sounds
Sopranos & Altos: Short Staccato Syllables (keyswitch) — A short, sharp sound, sung on one of up to seven different syllabic sounds, with keyswitch functionality to change between specific syllables
Tenors & Basses: Long Ahh — A long sustained note, sung on the vowel sound “ahh”
Tenors & Basses: Long Mmm — A long sustained note, hummed on the consonant “mmm”
Tenors & Basses: Episodic Combo 1 — A long episodically changing sustained note, blending between a combination of different vowel sounds, for a textural and shifting sound
Tenors & Basses: Episodic Combo 2 — A long episodically changing sustained note, blending between a combination of different vowel sounds, for a textural and shifting sound
Tenors & Basses: Short Staccato Syllables — A short, sharp sound, sung on one of up to seven different syllabic sounds
Tenors & Basses: Short Staccato Syllables (keyswitch) — A short, sharp sound, sung on one of up to seven different syllabic sounds, with keyswitch functionality to change between specific syllables
Controls (3)
Reverb — A realistic Hall-style impulse response
Release — A release trigger which only applies to long patches
Tightness — This cuts further into the note to make it tighter and only applies to short patches