Albion Tundra Orchestra
- High Strings - Main
- High Strings - Soft and Wild
- Low Strings - Main
- Low Strings - Soft and Wild
- High Brass
- Low Brass
- High Woods
- Mid Woods
High strings
- Long - Air and Ice
- Long - Air Ice and Tratto
- Long - Col Leg Tratto
- Long - Double Stopped 5ths
- Long - Flautando Con Sord
- Long - Frozen
- Long - Gypsy Harmonics
- Long - Gypsy
- Long - Harmonic Trems
- Long - No Rosin
- Long - Other Harmonics
- Long - Pulsing Con Sord
- Long - Richocets
- Long - Silken Con Sord
- Long - Sul G/C
- Long - Sul Pont Con Sord
- Long - Super Sul Tasto
- Long - Travelling Trems
- Short - Brushed Pizzicato Con Sord
- Short - Brushed Silken Con Sord
- Short - Brushed Sul Pont Con Sord
- Short - Double Stopped 5ths
- Short - Flautando Con Sord
- Short - Frozen
- Short - Gypsy
- Short - Light And Loose Col Leg
- Short - Pizz Sul Pont
- Short - Pizz Sul PontCol Leg Mix
- Short - Pizz Harmonics - Basses
- Short - Pizz Harmonics - Celli
- Short - Super Sul Tasto
- Trems - Gyspy Harmonics
Low strings
- Long - Air and Ice
- Long - Air Ice and Tratto
- Long - Col Leg Tratto
- Long - Double Stopped 5ths
- Long - Flautando Con Sord
- Long - Frozen
- Long - Gypsy Harmonics
- Long - Gypsy
- Long - Harmonic Trems
- Long - No Rosin
- Long - Other Harmonics
- Long - Pulsing Con Sord
- Long - Pulsing CS Sulpont
- Long - Silken Con Sord
- Long - Sul G/C
- Long - Sul Pont Con Sord
- Long - Super Sul Tasto
- Long - Travelling Trems
- Short - Brushed Pizzicato Con Sord
- Short - Brushed Silken Con Sord
- Short - Brushed Sul Pont Con Sord
- Short - Double Stopped 5ths
- Short - Flautando Con Sord
- Short - Frozen
- Short - Gypsy
- Short - Light And Loose Col Leg
- Short - Pizz Harmonics - Basses
- Short - Pizz Harmonics - Celli
- Short - Super Sul Tasto
- Trems - Gyspy Harmonics
High brass
- Long - Air
- Long - Bursts
- Long - Doodle Tonguing
- Long - Double Tongue Mute Cresc
- Long - Finger Trills
- Long - Fltz
- Long - Gran Flutter Bright Cresc A
- Long - Gran Flutter Bright Cresc B
- Long - Hollow Distant
- Long - Mini Cresc
- Long - Multiphonics
- Long - Overblown FFF
- Long - Slight Bend
- Long - Stifled
- Long - Super Air
- Long - Tuning Slide Taken Out
- Long - Vibrato
- Short
Low brass
- Long - Air
- Long - Bursts
- Long - Doodle Tonguing
- Long - Double Tongue Mute Cresc
- Long - Finger Trills
- Long - Fltz
- Long - Gran Flutter Bright Cresc A
- Long - Gran Flutter Bright Cresc B
- Long - Hollow Distant
- Long - Mini Cresc
- Long - Multiphonics
- Long - Overblown FFF
- Long - Slight Bend
- Long - Stifled
- Long - Super Air
- Long - Vibrato
- Short
High woods
- Long - Air
- Long - Aleatoric Overblown
- Long - Bursts
- Long - Doodle Tonguing
- Long - Finger Trills
- Long - Fltz
- Long - Hollow
- Long - Mini Cresc
- Long - Multiphonics
- Long - Overblowing
- Long - Overblown
- Long - Pulsing Semi Cresc
- Long - Slight Bend
- Long - Super Air
- Long - Vibrato
- Short - Overblown
- Short - V Short
- Short
Low woods
- Long - Air
- Long - Aleatoric Overblown
- Long - Bursts
- Long - Doodle Tonguing
- Long - Finger Trills
- Long - Fltz
- Long - Hollow
- Long - Mini Cresc
- Long - Multiphonics
- Long - Overblowing
- Long - Overblown
- Long - Pulsing Semi Cresc
- Long - Slight Bend
- Long - Super Air
- Long - Vibrato
- Short - Overblown
- Short - V Short
- Short
Legato patches
- High Strings - Air and Ice Legato
- High Strings - Flaut Con Sord Legato
- Low Strings - Flaut Con Sord Legato
Other patches
- High Strings - Time Machine Shorts
- Low Strings - Time Machine Shorts
- High Brass - Time Machine Shorts
- Low Brass - Time Machine Shorts
- High Woods - Time Machine Shorts
- High Woods - Time Machine Shorts
"Vral" grid evo
- An Evo Grid containing 32 evolutions
Brunel loops
Arctic combos - 30 presets
- Farteous Maximus 2
- Farteous Maximus 3
- Farteous Maximus
- Filtered Scoops - MW is gate strength
- Filtered Scoops 2 - MW is gate strength
- Filtered Scoops 3 - MW is gate strength
- Funny Goings On Deeper
- Funny Goings On
- Glitcher HH 2
- Glitcher HH
- Leather Bellows and Animal Skin 2
- Leather Bellows and Animal Skin
- Metal Shaker and Bodhran
- Passing Time 2
- Passing Time
- Scooped Hallucinogens 2 MW is Bottom
- Scooped Hallucinogens 3 MW is Bottom
- Scooped Hallucinogens MW is Bottom
- Slapping Thighs
- Stuttering HHs
- Super Fat Pulser 2 MW is Saturation
- Super Fat Pulser 3 MW is Saturation
- Super Fat Pulser 4 MW is Saturation
- Super Fat Pulser 5 MW is Saturation
- Super Fat Pulser 6 MW is Saturation
- Super Fat Pulser MW is Saturation
- Tuneful Bells n Bass
- Tuneful Bells n Bottom
- Tuneful Bells n Chaos 2
- Tuneful Bells n Chaos
Raw presets - 22 presets
- Assorted Metal
- Bodhran Brushed
- Bodhran Hotrods
- Bodhran
- Broze Tear Drop
- Burma Bells
- Djun Djun
- High Djun Djun
- Hubbuck Cymbal Central
- Hubbuck Cymbals
- Hubbuck Hi Hat
- Key Tree
- Metal Rings
- Paiste Central Cymbal
- Paiste High Hats
- Paiste Stereo Cymbals
- Quadrabans Medium
- Quadrabans Wide
- Tambourine Stereo
- Tbal Rims with Hands
- Tbal
- Temple Cymbals
Darwin percussion
- Darwin Percussion
Stephenson's steam band
Bellow pads
- Awesome Blade and Sky Bellows - MW is Filters
- Bellow Drones and Ricochets PLAY LOW - MW is Filters
- Bitey Bellow Drone - MW is Gate
- Blade Bellow - MW is Gate Depth
- Blade Bellow2 - MW is Filters
- Blade Bellow2a LPF - MW is Filters
- Blade Drone - MW is Gate Depth
- Cluster Drone - MW is Gate
- Distorted Sunrise Bellows 2 - MW is Filters
- Harmonic Drone - MW is Gate Depth
- Harmonic Sky Bellows - MW is Filters
- Lanois Bellow - MW is Gate Depth
- Lanois Bellow lpf - MW is Gate Depth
- Misstuned Sky Bellows - MW is Filters
- Morse Drone - MW is Gate Depth
- Morse Drone 2 - MW is Gate Depth
- Morse Drone 3 Angry - MW is Gate Depth
- Needs A Tune Up - MW is Gate Depth
- Nice Chord Sky Bellows - MW is Filters
- Northern Lights - MW is Gate
- Northern Lights 2 - MW is Gate
- Random Bellow Celeste - MW is Delay Return
- Simple Bellow Boxes - MW is Gate Depth
- Sky Bellows - MW is Filters
- Slow Vibes - MW is Gate Depth
- Stephensons - Bellow 1
- Stephensons - Bellow 2
- Stephensons - Bellow 3
- Super Spread - MW is Gate Depth
- Super Spread Quiet - MW is Gate Depth
- Thownshends Friend - MW is Gate Depth
- Thownshends Friend 2 - MW is Gate Depth
- Trem Bellows via a Torn Tweed - MW is Gate Depth
- Trem Bellows via a Torn Tweed 2 - MW is Gate Depth
- Very Dark Drone - MW is Gate
- Very Very Dark Bellow Drone - MW is Gate
Jarv pads
- A Fond Farewell MW is 8ve
- A Melody Is Possible Fat MW is Phase Align
- A Melody Is Possible MW is Phase Align
- AMAZING Chord Try 8ves MW is Flash Gordon Interval
- Amazo Chord 2 MW is Filter
- Amazo Chord MW is Stutter
- Anthems MW is Hiss
- Arctic Chorus 2 MW is Rain
- Arctic Chorus MW is Rain
- Awesome Distant Choir MW is Dynamic
- AWESOME Glacial Pad 2 MW is Gates
- AWESOME Glacial Pad MW is Trumpets
- Awestruck and Drone MW is Hiss
- Awestruck MW is Hiss
- Chordal Waves MW is Tuning
- Dark Pad MW is Interference
- Distant Symphony MW is Glitch
- Endless Glacier MW is Gate
- Fireflies MW is Flutter
- For Epilogues in Major Keys MW is Phase Align
- Go Back In Time and Give To Bukem 2 MW is Gate
- Go Back In Time and Give To Bukem 3 MW is Gate
- Go Back In Time and Give To Bukem MW is Gate
- Harmonic Series
- Huge Arctic Choir MW is Rain
- Inspiring Drone MW is Phase Align
- Lanoisium and Phaser MW is Glitch
- Lanoisium MW is Glitch
- Octaves Apart MW is Glitch
- Original Pad MW is Nice Interval
- Shruti Drone 2 MW is Lower Bellow
- Shruti Drone MW is Low Drone Balance
- Simple Pad and Fireflies MW is Flies
- Simple Pad MW is Small to BIG
- Stacked Symphonies MW is Tuning
- The Mystics MW is 8ve
- THE Pad MW is Filter
- THE Ultimate Slow Anthem 2 MW is Glitch
- THE Ultimate Slow Anthem MW is Glitch
- Tundra MW is Gate
- Uncles First FM Synth MW is Gate
- Uncles First Synth MW is Balance
- Unperceivable MW is Perceivability
- Unpredictable MW is Gate
- Very Distant Sunrise MW is Sunrise
- Vortices MW is Vortex
- Warped Ricochet MW is Gate
- Waterfall MW is Gate
- Weather Pad MW is Phase Alignment
Sammal presets
- Arctic Choir Drone 2 MW is Hiss
- Arctic Choir Drone MW is Hiss
- Arctic Choir MW is Hiss
- Awesome Moss Strings Harmonic MW is Upper Level
- Awesome Moss Strings MW is Glitch
- Bark Drone MW is Glitch
- Bark Pad MW is Glitch
- Chamber vs Symphony 2 MW is Balance
- Chamber vs Symphony MW is Balance
- Choir Distortion MW is Phase Align and Sat
- Dirty Drone MW is Glitch
- Early Warning Interval MW is Tuning
- Early Warning MW is Tuning
- Fat Fjord Drone MW is Ultra Saturation
- Fjord Full Of Bacteria MW is Flash Gordon Interval
- FM Signal MW is Interference
- For Major Keys MW is Phase Align and Sat
- Further Tuning Complications MW is Flutter
- Hairy Celli MW is Glitch
- Hairy Organ MW is Upper Harmonic
- Harmonic Distortion MW is Phase Align
- Insistent MW is Timbre
- Late Night At The Listening Station 2 MW is Hiss
- Late Night At The Listening Station and Int 2 MW is Hiss
- Late Night At The Listening Station and Int MW is Hiss
- Late Night At The Listening Station MW is Hiss
- Mediation MW is Gate
- Mellow Fjord Angry 2 MW is Gate
- Mellow Fjord Angry Chord MW is Gate
- Mellow Fjord Angry MW is Gate
- Mellow Fjord Chord MW is Gate
- Mellow Fjord MW is Gate
- Peat Tea
- Proud Anthem 2 Chord MW is Ultra Saturation
- Proud Anthem 3 Chord MW is Ultra Saturation
- Proud Anthem 4 Chord MW is Gate
- Proud Anthem 4 Chord MW is Ultra Saturation
- Proud Anthem Chord MW is Ultra Saturation
- Proud Chord MW is Hiss
- Proud Fat Chord MW is Hiss
- Shovel Beard MW is 8ve
- Symphony 2 Through Military Desk MW Pulls Back Hair
- Symphony Through Military Desk MW Pulls Back Hair
- The Grey MW is Gate
- The Pacifist 2 MW is Gate
- The Pacifist 3 MW is Gate
- The Pacifist MW is Gate
- Tuning Complications MW is Flutter
- Wichita Signal Massive MW is Phase Alignment
- Wichita Signal MW is Phase Alignment
- C(lose)
- T(ree)
- A(mbient)
- O(utrigger)